
Information about the company
kobaltblau Management Consultants GmbH
St.-Martin-Straße 114
81669 München

phone: +49 89 262045730

Managing directors: Thomas Heinevetter, Klaus Mahle, Martin Tydecks
Registered seat and court of registration: HRB 225912
USt-IdNr: DE306433743

Person responsible for the content
Klaus Mahle
kobaltblau Management Consultants GmbH
Westhafenplatz 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main

Advisers for design and realisation

  • Catenate GmbH
  • Hattenberger GmbH
  • K16 GmbH

Limitation of liability
kobaltblau does not accept any liability for the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on this website nor does it guarantee that such information is up-to-date. The same applies to all links that are provided on this website to other websites, directly or indirectly. kobaltblau is not responsible for the content of such other websites. kobaltblau reserves the right to amend and/or extend the information provided without prior notice. Entries which are attributed to a particular name do not necessarily reflect the opinion of kobaltblau. Any copying, saving and/or reprinting are only allowed with the express permission from kobaltblau, except to the extent they are for purely private use. Subject to errors and technical amendments. kobaltblau is in no case liable for any concrete, direct and/or indirect damage resulting from a lack of usability, loss of data, loss of profits – whether due to a breach of contractual obligations, negligence or other tortious act – in connection with the usage of documents or information or the provision of services which can be accessed from this website.

Intellectual property
Texts, images, graphics, animations as well as any attached documents, overviews and presentations are protected by intellectual property rights and other laws. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, amended or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. Any product names on this website are only used to identify certain products and may be registered trademarks of the relevant producers. We would like to point out that some of the images used on this website may be subject to intellectual property rights of third parties. We would also like to point out that the hard- and software descriptions as well as any brand names are the property of their respective owners and therefore subject to the general protection offered by the relevant intellectual property rights, including but not limited to the laws relating to trademarks, brands and patents.